Blackmore End Taxis Frequently asked questions

  • How can I request a taxi?

    Call on our customer call center number for booking a taxi by a phone call. You can also browse to our website and book a taxi online in less time.

  • Am I able to make advance booking?

    Not necessarily, but for Airport pick up and drop off you should book in advance to avoid any hurdle.

  • What payment options do you offer?

    Payment of fares can be made in two ways either by cash or credit card. We have made every process simple for our customers.

  • How can I get a quote?

    Visit our website, on the top you will find different options, in them you will see booking options. To get a quote just follow simple steps and you will be displayed the fares.

  • Will I be charged for cancellation of booking?

    You will not be charged by services charges within a time limit that you will be given after booking a taxi. After the time limit exceeds, on cancellation you are charged for availing services.

  • Am I able to make changes in my booking?

    Yes, you can make changes until booking options does not change. After a specific provided time any change in plan will serve with you service charges.

  • Is my information secure?

    We have set up most secure SSL based system to keep your inform safe and secure from being theft.

  • Do you have any special assistance?

    Yes, we also have special assistance for disabled people. If you would like to know more about our service contact us on your 24/7 customer center.