Whitwell Taxis Frequently asked questions

  • How do I find the driver at the airport?

    Driver is dispatched before you arrive at the airport. You can find your driver hold a name plate with your name on it.

  • What wait time is allowed at airport?

    The passengers are allowed 15 minutes after their specified time. Passengers pay charges for delay after 15 minutes based on per minute policy.

  • What are booking cancellation charges?

    Booking cancellation charges are nominal but you are charged if you cancel booking after your allotted time. When you book with us we allot you some time under which there are no cancellation charges.

  • What are you policies for booking amendments?

    During booking we provide you all kind of information and you are given a specific time to make changes in your booking including your location, time and date.

  • How much do I have to pay for return journey?

    You pay the same amount for two way journey.

  • What average tip can be given to the driver?

    If you are satisfied from driver's services you may tip 10 - 15 percent of total cost of travel.

  • Can I pay by credit card?

    Yes, swiping machines are available with drivers for your easiness. If you don't possess cash you can pay by credit card.

  • How do you book a child car seat?

    You can order a child car seat on a phone call. Dial our customer services center number and provide all information to our staff while booking your ride.